It’s the week we’ve all been waiting for…the week we can FINALLY wear our Cocogym set to the gym! Now as exciting as that sounds, there is one big hurdle that many of us must overcome first: gym anxiety.
After a big break from working out out in front of other people combined with a lack of social interaction in general, it can be daunting to return to the social aspect of exercising around others. We wanted to share our top tips to help you re-gain your gym confidence, it’s time to get Cococgyming at the gym, gals!

1. Remind yourself that you are in control
It is important to remind yourself that YOU are in control and that you can make any decision you like when you’re at the gym. If you feel anxious and worried when you’re there you have the choice to leave and come back another time when you feel more up to it. Progress has no time limit and if you made it there for the first time you’ve proved to yourself that you’re trying and that is amazing!
2. List the positives you will gain from going to the gym
Rather than dwelling on the negatives and letting fear and anxiety take over, list the positives you will gain from going the gym - it’s likely you will see that these outweigh the negatives. Often, we’re so focused on what other people might think of us when in reality everyone is too focused on themselves and their own workout to worry about what anyone else is doing!
3. Set up a gym playlist
Prepare a playlist full of your favourite uplifting songs to help motivate you during your workout. Listening to music whilst working out is an instant mood booster and a great distraction from the anxiety that might be surrounding you at the gym.
4. Plan a workout
Go with a plan and pick exercises that you are confident with! Fear of the unknown can often take over so it’s great to go in with a plan to give you some structure and direction. Make sure you pick exercises that you’re confident with and if you’re feeling overwhelmed remember that you can always move onto something different or find a quiet corner to workout in!

5. Visit with a friend
Find a gym buddy - this could be your mum, dad, sibling or best friend! Not only will this help you overcome your gym anxiety, it’s great to have someone to assist and motivate you during your workout. It’s also a great opportunity for some bonding time and much needed social interaction!
6. Wear an outfit that makes you feel confident
Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in! There’s no right or wrong rules on what to wear at the gym so whether its an old tee paired with trackies or your new Cocogym set - you’re good to go!